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How To Win Your Battle With Eczema

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Posted on: 09/27/22

People with skin conditions often tell others that self image and confidence is affected. Does this at all sound like yourself? If yes, you should continue to read the following article because it contains some great advice about dealing with eczema.

Some individuals that have a severe case of eczema find relief by taking their baths in water which has a small portion of bleach added to it. This helps because the bleach actually kills bacteria which takes up residence on the skin of those who are plagued with eczema. Of course, dont take a long bath or use really hot water because both can rob your skin of its natural moisture.

You should always use sunscreen. This is even more important when you have eczema. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 so you dont get a sunburn. Having a sunburn can make your skin even itchier than usual. You could use sunscreens specifically formulated for the face on the entire body. These are generally more gentle to use.

There are several medications you can try to help relieve the itching of eczema. Topical treatments including calamine lotion, which helps soothe the itching. Another topical option is an over-the-counter cream that contains one percent hydrocortisone. For severe itching, consider an oral over-the-counter antihistamine, such as Benadryl. Follow the instructions on the package, and remember that antihistamines may cause drowsiness.

Control your indoor temperature. Eczema tends to flare up during shifts in temps or humidity. Use your air conditioner to stay cool in the warmer months. A humidifier can help you keep your skin from drying out during colder weather. Staying comfortable temp wise will help reduce the frequency of flare ups.

If the air in your room is too dry, it may cause your eczema to act up. Therefore, a humidifier is often an important addition to an eczema sufferers home. Consider which rooms you spend the most time in and place the humidifier there. You should notice a difference in your skin.

If you suffer from eczema, make sure that your home remains at a comfortable temperature. Extreme temperatures can really irritate your skin and cause your symptoms to flare up. If its hot, use the AC, and when its cold try utilizing a humidifier. The humidifier introduces moisture into the air to prevent your skin from becoming too dry.


If you deal with eczema, then you should try to stay away from stressful situations if at all possible. Stress leads to flare ups. If you are having difficulty dealing with stress, try working out or deep breathing techniques. Then you can avoid stress induced flare-ups.

Try to avoid stress. Too much stress can trigger eczema. Of course, eczema is itchy and unpleasant and can lead to even more stress. Break the cycle by finding ways to unwind. Find a new, relaxing hobby. Devote a few days a week to getting some exercise. Find a method of getting rid of stress that works for you.

Too much stress in your life can be a trigger for eczema. And, when the flareups occur, the symptoms cause you to become even more stressed. Therefore, you should be finding ways to eliminate stress when you can. One strategy for example is to exercise daily because this can help reduce stress as can breathing exercises and other techniques.

Now you are armed with plenty of information to begin your personal battle with eczema in order to get your skin under control. If you try a solution that doesnt work well, move on to the next one. A solution to eczema is available to you too; you just have to learn what it is. Try everything you learned here to help get back the skin that makes you happy.

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