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Great Tips For Fabulous Beauty

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Posted on: 08/17/22

Feeling great and looking beautiful at all times is essential for many women to be happy, but its hard to be beautiful 24 hours a day, unless you know the right beauty tricks. Whether you want to be glamorous or prefer a natural look, this article contains the solid tips to help you stay gorgeous morning, noon and night.

As you get older, exfoliation becomes more and more important to your skin. Use a glycolic acid-rich cream, facial scrub, or even a retinoid gel to slough off the top layer pf dead skin cells and to reveal the fresh, radiant new skin cells beneath. This can be done three to four times per week for the best effect.

Steam your face. You can do this by placing your face over a hot bowl of water with a towel over your head. This will open up your pores and draw out impurities and bacteria. You should clean your face, then rinse it with cold water so you close your pores back up.

When you nail polish starts to thicken up, you can add a few drops of nail polish remover to the bottle to thin it. Shake the bottle well after the addition of the nail polish remover to mix thoroughly and continue your manicure as usual. You should be able to get several more applications from the bottle.

Always remove your makeup before you go to bed. After a long, stressful day, it can be tempting to just slip into bed without taking the time to remove your makeup. However, sleeping with your makeup on can cause numerous problems including acne, blackheads and dry skin. By taking just a few minutes before bed to remove your makeup, you can keep your skin clear, healthy and moisturized.

For beautiful hair, add oil to your hair care routine. You can make your hair shinier, less frizzy, and mask graying by adding a few drops of oil to your hair every morning. Good oils to use are castor, rosemary, or sesame oils. All of them are cost effective and widely available.

For beautiful nails, put top coat on top of your nail polish every time. Topcoat will not only keep your nails looking shiny, it will extend the length of time between polishing. Avoid substituting clear nail polish for topcoat as it is not the same product, and will not provide the same benefit.


Set aside time every day for exercise. Daily exercise will help you stay healthy and look fresh and young. It is a pertinent part of any beauty kit. Set aside fifteen to twenty minutes per day for physical activity. This can be as simple as vacuuming your home or taking a walk around the block, but you must move and stay active.

Natural beauty starts on the inside, so it makes good sense to take care of your body inside and out to look your very best. Eating right, getting the right amount of exercise and fresh air, drinking plenty of water and getting lots of sleep all go a long way towards keeping you looking and feeling your best.


Maintaining beauty is about being positive that the nutritional plan you follow is the best one for you. Correct nutritional habits mean that you will feel your best and your body will be satisfied. As a result, you will feel and even look better.

Now that youve gleaned some tips to help you stay radiant 24/7, its going to be hard not to look in every mirror you pass. Enjoy your new confidence when you apply the advice that youve learned here, and get used to the constant compliments that youll be receiving from admirers and envious others.

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